We are excited to share that starting Monday (3/30) we will have buses equipped with WiFi parked at various churches in our district from 10am to 2pm each day (Mon-Fri) for our families that may need to download or upload eLearning assignments. A list of these locations can be found in the picture.
almost 5 years ago, Adam Coats
WiFi Buses
The 3rd Nine Weeks will officially end on Tues. March 31st. All previous assignments are due to your student's teacher by Thurs. April 2nd. If you have a question about an assignment, please contact the teacher directly. All eLearning assignments will be on the 4th Nine Weeks.
almost 5 years ago, Adam Coats
A huge SHOUT OUT and THANK YOU to the Family Dollar in Iva for donating cleaning supplies to our school when we could not find any. A great example of a community coming together in a time of need. This act of kindness is greatly appreciated! #BetterTogether
almost 5 years ago, Adam Coats
We will be open tomorrow from 8:30 AM - 11 AM for students to pick up any textbooks, Chromebooks, chargers, or other materials needed for eLearning. If you are unable to pick up materials at this time, please give us a call.
almost 5 years ago, A3 Daily
The weekly robocall was sent by Mr. Dylan McCullough, A3 Communications Coordinator, from our District Office today in regard to all schools being closed by declaration of the Governor. We will send more information very soon. Until then, please visit Bit.ly/A3elearn - Thank you!
almost 5 years ago, Adam Coats
Movie Afternoon will be held at SIMS featuring "Shrek," Friday, March 13th after school in the gym. Pick up time will be 5:30 on the bus parking lot. Tickets sold during lunch for $5. Concession will be sold during the movie. Proceeds will go toward the March of Dimes.
almost 5 years ago, SIMS News
8th Grade Ag Mechanics students built a new chair for the front porch. Two students tested it out and it seems to be comfy! 🛋️
almost 5 years ago, A3 Daily
Ag Students Chair
Don’t forget about our Youth Art Month Challenge!
almost 5 years ago, A3 Daily
Just a friendly reminder that tomorrow is the last day for the SIMS Book Fair!
almost 5 years ago, Amy Russell
Let’s give a big shout out to some of our amazing district leadership! Thank you for all you do Mrs. Kathy Hipp (Superintendent), Mrs. Leigh Burton (Asst. Superintendent) & Mrs. Mandy Reinert (Asst. Superintendent) to make our district great! #InternationalWomensDay #YouRock
almost 5 years ago, Adam Coats
Women’s Day
8th Grade Parents! IGP conferences will be held next week, March 9-13 at SIMS. If you have not scheduled please do so by clinking this link:https://calendly.com/igp-meeting-1/igp-meetings or calling guidance for assistance. After Wednesday students will be assigned an appt.
almost 5 years ago, SIMS News
This is just a friendly reminder that spring pictures will be taken at SIMS on Monday, March 2.
almost 5 years ago, Amy Russell
Congratulations to our 2019-2020 SIMS Junior Scholars! It was great celebrating you tonight. Keep up the amazing work. We are proud of you!
almost 5 years ago, Adam Coats
19-20 Junior Scholars
This is just a friendly reminder that assignments from our eLearning Day last week are due tomorrow (Fri. Feb. 28th). Failure to submit your assignments will result in being marked absent from school on this day.
almost 5 years ago, Adam Coats
Attn: 8th grade parents! Be sure to go on-line and schedule your student's IGP conference. They will take place between March 9th-13th, and will be held at Starr-Iva Middle School! Please click the to access the on-line scheduler: https://calendly.com/igp-meeting-1/igp-meetings
almost 5 years ago, SIMS News
Mrs. Simpson’s class researched presidents and created Google Slides on their research today! 🇺🇸
almost 5 years ago, A3 Daily
Simpson’s class
Simpson’s class
Simpson’s class
Simpson’s class
Happy late birthday, Principal Coats!
almost 5 years ago, A3 Daily
All Anderson 3 schools and offices will be closed tomorrow. We will instead have an eLearning day. If you have questions about eLearning please visit the link below. Thank you and stay safe! https://sites.google.com/acsd3.org/elearningday/faq?authuser=0
almost 5 years ago, Adam Coats
All after school activities for Anderson 3 have been cancelled today (Thurs. Feb. 20th). Students will arrive home at their normal time and will need to be picked up from school unless they are a regular bus rider. Thanks!
almost 5 years ago, Adam Coats
Anderson 3 is monitoring the weather closely. SIMS stakeholders will receive a robocall at 4pm today (2/20) with information pertaining to the weather and a possible eLearning day. At this time school will operate on a normal schedule on Fri. Feb. 21st. We will keep you updated.
almost 5 years ago, Adam Coats