Anderson 3 will serve breakfast and lunch to students free of charge beginning Wednesday, March 18. 🍱 All students may pick up a prepared bag that will include breakfast and lunch at Iva Elementary, Flat Rock Elementary, or Crescent High from 10:30 - 11:00 am. Students who ride buses will have the option of having their meals delivered to their bus stop, which will begin at 10:30 am. Bus drivers will make every effort possible to have all meals delivered by 11:30 am. *Students must be present to pick up the meal.* Meals will be available weekdays except for Friday, March 20 and Monday, March 23. If you are interested in receiving a meal, please complete the following survey. If you have already done so, you do not have to fill it out twice.
almost 5 years ago, A3 Daily
Families, please be reminded of our Wi-FI Hot Spots at Flat Rock, Iva, and Starr Elementary Schools. Hot Spot hours have been extended to allow students to download assignments, or complete work. Student Chromebooks will automatically connect to the Hot Spot.
almost 5 years ago, A3 Daily
Chromebooks and eLearning materials will be available for pick-up at Flat Rock, Iva, and Starr Elementary schools on Tuesday, March 17, from 8 AM - 2 PM. If you are unable to pick-up materials at this time, please contact your child's school. Flat Rock: 864-296-9191 Iva Elementary: 864-348-6400 Starr Elementary: 864-352-6154
almost 5 years ago, A3 Daily
Today South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster announced the temporary closure of all South Carolina Schools due to the coronavirus effective Monday, March 16 until Tuesday, March 31. Please visit for updated information.
almost 5 years ago, A3 Daily
We have received word that at 4PM Governor McMaster will announce that all schools will be temporarily closed for at least the next two weeks. We will update with more specific information after this press conference.
almost 5 years ago, A3 Daily
Our custodial staff is working overtime to ensure every surface in our schools is properly disinfected. Thank you, A3 Custodians, for helping keep our students healthy!
almost 5 years ago, A3 Daily
This week guidance staff met with over 200 8th graders to plan their high school courses. Next Stop, 9th Grade!
almost 5 years ago, A3 Daily
Guidance Staff meets with 8th graders.
Anderson School District Three officials continue to closely monitor COVID-19 and are actively planning efforts to prevent the spread of this virus. Extra precautions are being taken to ensure the safe health of all students and staff. Superintendent of Education, Molly Spearman, stated on Monday that any decisions regarding school closures or cancelling school events as a result of COVID-19 will not be made solely at the local level, but will be made in consultation with the State Superintendent of Education who will work with state health officials at DHEC and the Governor’s office for the final appropriate decision. Any announcement of local cases should come from state DHEC officials. As a part of the district’s response plan, the district will utilize the eLearning Plan in the event of school closure.
almost 5 years ago, A3 Daily
DHEC Coronavirus
We will have an altered schedule on May 29th to accommodate Crescent High School Commencement. Crescent students will be participating in an eLearning Day, Starr-Iva Middle will dismiss at 10:30, and our elementary schools will dismiss at 10:45.
almost 5 years ago, A3 Daily
Graduation day
At our March Board of Trustees meeting, Randy Bunch, Director of Human Resources & Continuous Improvement Process for Bosch's Anderson Plant, presented a $31,751.00 grant to fund our A3 Summer STEAM Camp! Thank you, Bosch Anderson Plant, for continuing to support STEAM education!
almost 5 years ago, A3 Daily
Check out our eLearning Day Summary!
almost 5 years ago, A3 Daily
MUSC offers FREE coronavirus screenings to SC residents. If you are concerned about coronavirus (COVID-19), MUSC Health recommends you first speak to an online virtual care provider. Use the promo code COVID19 when you log in for a free online session. Click here for more information -->
almost 5 years ago, A3 Daily
Our 2020-2021 Calendar is Here! If you wish to print, click here:
almost 5 years ago, A3 Daily
Mark your calendars for our Fine Arts Showcase!
almost 5 years ago, A3 Daily
Thank you, Melanie Fowler, for leading our district wide Art Showcase! Ms. Fowler lead a painting activity, where students used rubbing alcohol and ink to create artwork!
almost 5 years ago, A3 Daily
Melanie Fowler
Melanie Fowler
Crescent High School has openings for Football Assistant Coaches. Possible Coordinator responsibilities available on Offense or Defense. All teaching certifications will be considered. Send resume or questions to Head Football Coach Sheldon Evans at
almost 5 years ago, A3 Daily
Please check our news section for information regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19) as well as preventing the flu.
almost 5 years ago, A3 Daily
Corona Virus
Handwashing is the best way to prevent illness! 🧼Please remind your children to wash their hands frequently.
almost 5 years ago, A3 Daily
Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss! 🎂
almost 5 years ago, A3 Daily
Dr. Seuss
Dr. Seuss
Dr. Seuss
Dr. Seuss
Every year during FFA Week at Crescent, students participate in "Drive Your Tractor to School Day," one of the school's most unique traditions. We are proud of all students who work to keep our community heritage alive! 🌾🚜
almost 5 years ago, A3 Daily
Tractor Day
Tractor Day
Tractor Day