Tri-County Technical College will be hosting an informational meeting on Thursday, March 14 at 5:30PM. There will be a meeting in the Media Center for students who are interested in University transfer credits and a meeting (same time) in Mr. Haynie's classroom for students who are interested in Career Pathways in Mechatronics, Welding, and HVAC programs.
almost 6 years ago, A3 Daily
TCTC Career Pathways
SIMS Loves A3 Bus Drivers!
almost 6 years ago, A3 Daily
SIMS Loves Bus Drivers!
Flat Rock also started battle rounds for Battle of the Books as 3rd - 5th grade teams began competing to see who could come up with the most book titles and authors when given clues from a stories plot!
almost 6 years ago, A3 Daily
Battle of the Books!
Girls compete in Battle of the Books!
Let the Games Begin! Battle of the Books began today at Flat Rock as the Anderson County Elections Office set up voting machines for students to vote for their pick for best book! Students were able to see what its like to vote in a real election! Thank you, AC Elections Office!
almost 6 years ago, A3 Daily
Battle of the Books voting rounds.
Thank you Anderson County Elections Office!S
Student voting for best book.
Students who voted for favorite book in Battle of the Books.
Come join us for a night of fun!
almost 6 years ago, CHS Student Government
Good luck to our Betas as they compete at the SC Beta Convention! The National Beta Club, founded in 1934 in Spartanburg, is the largest independent, non-profit, educational youth organization in America. Founded at Iva High, CHS Beta Club is one of the nations oldest clubs!
almost 6 years ago, Crescent Beta
CHS Betas travel to Myrtle Beach.
K-5 students in Mrs. Mapp's class working hard to visually represent different animals of the Arctic region!
almost 6 years ago, Dylan McCullough, CCO
Starr students working on the Arctic region!
Starr students working on the Arctic region!
Starr students working on the Arctic region!
CHS Equipment Operations students learn how to operate various types of equipment. We recently caught up with Mr. McGill's class doing skid-steer training at the agriculture arena.
almost 6 years ago, A3 Daily
Skid-steer training
Thank you to all the schools in A3 for making “cards for kids.” We mailed 10 lbs today! There will be a lot of happy kids on valentines! ❤️
almost 6 years ago, CHS Student Government
Valentine Cards for “Cards for Kids.”
Happy #nationalperiodictableday ! Our STEAM fair yesterday was a BLAST!
almost 6 years ago, Dylan McCullough, CCO
CHS holds 2nd annual STEAM Fair. Happy #natinoalperiodictableday
This week we celebrate our wonderful School Counselors and their support staff for the rockstars they are. Thank you for enriching and developing the lives of A3 students! We LOVE YOU to pieces! #nationalschoolcounselingweek #acsd3
almost 6 years ago, Dylan McCullough, CCO
School Counseling Week Feb 4-8th
Crescent Tiger Wrestling falls on the road tonight in a very competitive match in the Upper State Championship at Indian Land. Despite the outcome, so PROUD tonight. The time, work, and commitment by our wrestlers and coaches all season is truly what it’s all about. Top 4 in the State and Upper State Runner-Up. Congrats  Tigers on a GREAT season! #PROUDTIGER
almost 6 years ago, Crescent Athletics
Congratulations to Crescent seniors Dawson Merk and Mason Johnson as they continue their academic and athletic journeys as student-athletes. Dawson will continue his journey as a student athlete at The Citadel (Charleston, SC). Mason will join the Wolfpack of Newberry College.
almost 6 years ago, Hannah Arnold
CONGRATS  to Crescent High Senior Mason Johnson! Mason will be joining the Wolfpack of Newberry College! #PROUDTIGER
almost 6 years ago, Crescent Athletics
CONGRATS to Crescent High Senior Dawson Merk! Dawson will continue his journey as a student-athlete at The Citadel (Charleston, SC). #PROUDTIGER
almost 6 years ago, Crescent Athletics
Good Luck and safe travels to the CHS Wrestling team as they head to Indian Land for the Upper State Championship!
almost 6 years ago, Dylan McCullough, CCO
Upper state
CRESCENT TIGER WRESTLING!!! Advances to the UPPER STATE CHAMPIONSHIP with a win tonight over Chester! Tigers will travel to Indian Land on Wednesday!
almost 6 years ago, Crescent Athletics
The Crescent High School Prom will be held on May 25th in the CHS New Gym.
almost 6 years ago, Dylan McCullough, CCO
Have you noticed someone in Anderson 3 who goes above and beyond everyday? Help us feature them! Fill out the form below to nominate an Anderson Three employee for EOTW! (Nominees will be featured on A3 social media channels.)
almost 6 years ago, Dylan McCullough, CCO
Congratulations to Mason Johnson. He has committed to Newberry College. While at Newberry, Mason will be playing football. Congrats Mason on this great accomplishment. We look forward to your success as a student-athlete at Newberry College. Your CHS family is so proud of you.
almost 6 years ago, Hannah Arnold
Mason Johnson