Last Fall, 2nd Grade teacher Stephanie Harbert was awarded a $1,000 Teacher Dream Grant by Upstate Federal Credit Union to create an outdoor math-centered instructional space at Iva Elementary. The grant allowed several base math tools to be painted permanently on the blacktop at Iva Elementary, opening up an outdoor instructional space at a crucial time in education. Teachers need additional space more than ever, and this space allows teachers to be creative while also maintaining social distancing.
An open number line, hundreds chart, and part-part-whole frame were just the start of Mrs. Harbet's vision, but it has grown into so much more. For example, the ten frames on the blacktop can be used to add or subtract by 20, partition shapes/fractions, demonstrate symmetry, section reading spots, outline a story map, or illustrate a comic strip! Materials such as bean bags, disc, foam numbers, chalk, unifix cubes, large blocks, inflatable dice/beach balls, clipboards, dry erase markers & erasers, and measuring tapes were also purchased to use.
With these math tools readily available, teachers and students will now be able to use their whole bodies to become part of the math lesson! With the help of Upstate Federal Credit Union's Teacher Dream Grant, Mrs. Harbert has created a plethora of opportunities for Iva Elementary Students!