Ollie Bleu Masters, a student at Flat Rock Elementary, and her grandparents, Terry Trotter and Alton Reed have donated a Lending Library to Flat Rock Elementary School in memory of Ollie Bleu's mother, Rana T. Masters. Mr. Reed donated the materials and constructed the library. Mackenzie Richey and Kinley Smith, recent CHS graduates, and FRES Reading Buddies, conducted book drives and donated the books for the library. The project was organized and completed by Debbie Alexander and Mellie Jones, the leaders of the FRES Reading Buddies program. The Flat Rock community is invited to drop by the school to borrow or donate books to the library. Hand sanitizer will be provided. The faculty and staff of Flat Rock Elementary would like to thank Ollie Bleu, her family, and the volunteers who made this addition to our school and community possible. 📖💛