
What is eLearning?

eLearning, short for "electronic learning," refers to using digital tools and technologies to facilitate learning and education. Anderson 3 is approved by the South Carolina Department of Education to operate as an eLearning district that can use up to five (5) eLearning Days a year. 

Anderson 3 utilizes the eLearning protocol for emergencies, such as inclement weather or utility interruptions. This avoids breaks in the learning process, and using eLearning days is less disruptive for families’ schedules since there are no make-up days to be implemented. eLearning days allow students to minimize the interruptions caused by bad weather days and continue to make educational progress.

Students will have regular assigned classwork on eLearning Days, and their teachers will be available electronically. Students will be required to complete and submit all assignments as well as communicate with their teachers during the eLearning days.

Teachers will be expected to contact students, track virtual attendance and be available to students during office hours.



Teachers will have office hours during the following times:

  • 9:00 am to 10:30 am

  • 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm

Choice boards will be sent home in your student’s folder.

Teachers will be available via Rooms in the Anderson 3 App if you have assignment questions.

Work must be turned in within 5 school days to earn attendance for the eLearning day.


Teachers will have office hours during the following times:

  • 8:30 am to 10:30 am

  • 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm

Self-paced assignments relevant to current learning or supplementary instruction to previous lessons/units will be posted in Google Classroom.

Teachers will be available by email and the Anderson 3 App if you have assignment questions.

Work must be turned in within 5 school days to earn attendance for the eLearning day.